Friday 21 October 2016

This week will have a main focus on the quantum suicide thought experiment, and how it differs in both of the main quantum mechanical interpretations.

Quantum suicide is essentially the Schrodinger's cat experiment, from the point of view of the cat. For this experiment we will define an event as a chance that the atom has at decaying. Assuming that there is a 50% chance for the atom to decay, then from the Copenhagen point of view, after the second event, there is a 75% chance that the atom has decayed, and so the longer the cat stays in the box, the lower the chance it has of surviving the next event.

However, in the many-worlds interpretation, the universe splits after each decay and each subsequent decay still has a 50% decay rate. Events in this interpretation are thus not dependent on previous events like they are in the Copenhagen interpretation. This leads to the cat always having a 50% survival rate for the next decay, no matter how many decays have occurred before.

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